Kinder Surprise


Dog sitting
I have no idea if you actually can call it like that, but since you can say baby sitting, why not dog sitting?
That's what I'm doing now for two days. The problem is; My dog is on her period and the friends dog is male. But it's going surpriseling good! They play really good together and you have no idea how cute they are when we are out walking!!
Kifa is actually the one who's holding the leash of Sid (the other dog). And she's so proud of it and does it pretty good I must say. Gonna do some photos and maybe a video to show you tomorrow because you just have to see this!
So for now, here's some pictures of my and the doggies at the beach, taking a coffe.  Actually it is at Santa Marta, where I spent pretty much all the winter last year. Still love that place, and know everybody there!
Time for a walk with the dogs, probibly going to the park or up in Montjuic. Wish me luck...

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