Kinder Surprise


So remember that I was in a photoshoot like one month ago or something? I got another picture from there now!
I´m a very big fan of this picture, Like the position of me and that. But still I guess it is a quite nice picture. 
Anyway, it will get more soon because Laura decided to have me in here school reportage! She is here to study photography so she have to do some different kind of photos so I´m gonna help her. 
And also, I´ve been speaking about looking for another job. I have this great oppertunity now! There is a new bar in Barceloneta, right next to the beach, Surf house, who´s looking for waitresses for Mars. So I talked to the guy because I know some people there and it´s very possible for me to get it I think! That would really be my dream place to work in as a waitress here in Barcelona. It´s a beautiful place, everyone working there surfs, right next to the beach so when I finish a shift I can just jump into the sea and just a lot of benefits! So I´m really hoping for this now..
Oh, and I just changed room (again). But now I have big bed and yesterday we went to ikea so got a lot of new stuff in there. Looks pretty nice actually. 
Now it´s time to go our for a run, working three hours this night (why bother??) and maybe go for a beer after that. 
Have a nice day ~

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