My heart got stolen by the waves
I´m back from my "vacation" now. 5 days in San Sebastian, a smaller vity on the other side of Spain with amazing waves for surfing. And so I did, I surfed for the first time but more than once. And I completely fell in love. I didn´t want to get out of the water, even if it was freezing cold though I had a wetsuit. Just waiting for the waves, sitting in the clear water, the feeling.. And when I actually got a wave. Amazing!

And it was not only the surfing that I fell in love with. Also the city. Beautiful, relaxed, happy. On time I got the thought about calling my work in Barcelona and quit and just stay. But of course I couldn´t do that. Well, we know that we´re defeinately going back there! Hopefully once in summer and once after.
Also we´re planning on going to Morocco next for surfing and maybe France also. Can´t wait!
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