Ice skating
This weekend have been just great! The friday I went with two others ice skating in Plaza Catalunya. They have set up a big tent with ice inside there and for 7 euros you can skate for a half hour. But we stayed longer, it´s not like they take your time or anything.
Yesterday I met a friend in the bar, preperad some sandwiches and took the train outside Barcelona and walked around in the mountains. It was beautiful and the weather amazing so it was a really good day. Then we went to a castle there where we know the guy who´s taking care of it and set up a fire inside, drank some coffe and I actually fell asleep.
And of course Kifa was with us all time! (Not ice skating). She loves the mountains, Just running around discorvering things without a leash or anything.
Ahh I really wish I had a camera these days but no, that one disappeared with the bag in the stupid robbery. Well, Try to imagine it!
One of the photos from the photoshoot with Katerinaklio which I tolf you about. Have only got this one so far but I like it actually. Couldn´t recognise that it was me at first haha
Now I´m going to a quick shower and then I´m out! My last day off and I wanna enjoy it. You schould to, just because it´s sunday it dosen´t mean that nothing happens or nothing schould happen. Go go go!
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