I just got robbed..
So, it finally happened. I´ve pretty much just been waiting for it and after 1 year and 2 months it actually happened. I got robbed.
Lost everything; my phone, keys to both the bar and home (and we just changed the stupid lock!!) and the wallet which had my driverslicense, both swedish and spanish creditcard, information about different stuff, NIE (my spanish personal number) and I´m sure there was more. But well well, what to do? It´s still just material stuff which I can replace. I had like 5 euros there because luckily, my work decided to give us our pay one day later so the stupid robber didn´t really earn anything. HA!
So this happened last night. And today I´ve already blocked the spanish creditcard and ordered a new one, got a new sim card and had a extra phone at home and also made new copies of the keys. I will survive!
But of course it´s still shit that it happens. I liked that bag..
What happened was.. I was kind of a liiiittle drunk, and very upset because I just had a fight with my flat mate so I decided to go home. I was in our bar doing a quiz, or at least tried. So I walked about two minutes, was in the middle of a small square in the middle of the city, when a guy with a hoodie all of sudden runs up from behind me and grabs my bag and just run away as fast as he can. I started to run after him but gave up after 5 minutes since I was wearing highheals and couldn´t run very fast you know..
So back to the bar and cry some more and a friend take me home and make me sleep. Aaaaahhhh what a night!
Well, I´m a positive person and don´t really give a shit anymore. It happens, specially in Barcelona, and sometimes I think it´s good to loose some stuff because it´s just stupid stuff anyway! Makes you think in a different way.
God, made a long writing now. Well, better Show some pictures from the other day when me and Giulia went drunk in the bar and people draw stuff in my face! And the christmas decoration I put up in work!

I think I was some mix of a cat, a santas helper and a clown...
So, movie time!! Just finished a good meal of meatballs with potatoe and saus I made. For you who dosent know it, I´m actually a great chef but pretty much stopped cooking when I broke up with my ex. Shit happens, remember that.
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