The lights are on!
Now they have finally turned on all the christmas lights all over Barcelona, and it´s beautiful!
In every neighborhood they have different kinds and it´s stunning. Maybe that I go around tomorrow after work to take photos of all the different one. I specially want to see them in Gracia, the more fancy neighborhood. They always do that little extra.

Now I´m preparing myself for the day. In this too cold apartment.. Hate that they don´t have any central heating or anything here. I´m surviving with small heaters on the floor but I do not wanna see the bills after this month..
Well well, what to do? I have to get up anyway and I have to take that torturing shower. Going for the photoshoot in one hour. Was supposed to do it yesterday but I kind off overslept.. Ooops
And at 5 I start work. Not very fun in the bar anymore since we have very few cusomters now and cut down on the staff so we´re only two persons in the bar. But well, just a few months and then things will start to happen! See if I start looking for something else soon also.
So enjoy the day, it´s almost christmas! ~
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