Dress out, scary shit
It´s so close to halloween now! I really want to to a great costume but I have no idea like what.
The owner of my bar got a "castle" a little outside Barcelona where they´re gonna throw this big party, so I´m probibly going there. Could be fun!
The owner of my bar got a "castle" a little outside Barcelona where they´re gonna throw this big party, so I´m probibly going there. Could be fun!

Me and Giulia went to some shops to find a costume and had some fun in the same time.. But right now I´m thinking about Cleopatra, angel, indian or something like that. Or a character from some movie. This is hard!
Anyway, have to get in to the shower now, gonna have a drink with a friend and tonight I´m taking care of a stag party. Never know what will happen!
Material arts
Guess what! I just went to a jijitsu training! With Giulia and her ex because he use to train there and now we could come and try for free. The hard thing was that they only speak spanish there but I understand most of it. And it was really fun actually, and really good things to know for defense.
The thing is that I´ve thought a lot about starting with some kind of material art again. In Sweden I did karate, capoeira, taekwondo and something more I think. And it´s not just really good exercise, you never know when you can have use for it (remember, I live in one of euopes most dangerous citys hehe).
And appearently Giulia knows a guy who teach taekwondo so we´re going there for a try some day and maybe something else before we decide what we´re gonna keep going with. But I would acutally like to do a litte of everything. Part because I want to do defense but still I love to kick and punch so it would be great if I could mix. And then I wouldn´t get really tired of just doing one thing. So we´ll see what happens. I´m still gonna go running, do yoga and pilates and other things also. Gonna be great! And I´m gonna be a dangerous little girl ;)

Pictures from yesterday when I was up in the mountain (Montjuic). nly went half way since I already was kind of tired but love the view!

Another one from higher up this winter when Laura was living here. "Topless on the top of the mountain, top that!"
Well, got the day off tomorrow so schould maybe do something tonight.. But I don´t know, trying not to party too much like I´ve done lately. Hmm... I´ll see what happens simply! Have a good night you also
Everyday is different
Can you believe that I went up before 8 this morning to go for a run at the beach and watch the sunrise? And that I then went grossery shopping, made omelettes with ham and tomato for me, Giulia and two other friends?? And that I after that cleaned all the kitchen, livingroom and diningroom??? Believe it or not, I did it! So proud of myself ^^

Sunrise from two days ago since I didn´t brought my phone when I was running daah
Now I´m going to the park with Kifa so she can play some with the other dogs, maybe even going up on the mountain. See what happens, have to kill some time anyway until I start working at 5. Have a great day everyone!
We just went crazy
Phuu finally getting a little more rested and energy. This friday I went out dancing, because as I told you before, I love dancing. And did we dance! All night long. Afterwards we went to the beach (there were supposed to be a full moon party but when we got there it was only like 5 people left half alseep) and saw the sunrise and then walked the way back to the city. Took a jaegerbomb and a coffe for breakfast in our bar and then went home since I had work later at 5. Went to sleep maybe 11 or 12..
I´m not joking when I´m saying that I had the worst hangover ever, in my hole life, yesterday. Had a breakdown at work so had to go home earlier and went sleep directly. But, I had fun!

But today I´ve only been drinking water, really need to take it a little more easy with the drinking.. Starting now! Well, the summer starts to go to it´s end so that will actually help a little. Even thinking about going running tonight. Otherwise I´m just going to have a quit night, maybe watch a movie or something and cuddle with Kifa. Tranquilo..
To the petshop!
Got home from the petshop a while ago. Bought a spray for the flies Kifa has, she´s scratching all the time poor little thing. And a BIG bed for her woho so now she´s got her own little corner in the livingroom. And also a bone that she´s chewing on right now yum yum
And it´s always fun to go to the petshops here, because they have puppys and kittens there!

And of course eveyone were so curious at Kifa who just stood and looked at them threw the glass. And soo cuutee!! Me and Giulia started to discuss if we schould take some of them home... Of course we couldn´t :(
Ok, work starts in one hour. Better get started with those dishes laying in the kitching waiting for me and maybe I will have time to find a new pair of shoes for work. So much stuff to buy and already spent 100 euros today.. It´s unbelievable how much I spend these days! I like it...
Good morning, or something

A little view of my room, just a liiittle messy
So, it´s now a new day! Woke up after about 5 hours sleep by my self, don´t know what´s going on but well well. Good because I don´t like to sleep away a day. And also the new (hot) guy just moved in to one of the rooms here now. From argentina and really charming if I must say it my self hohoho But no, I´m gonna play it cool, always.
I´m gonna see if Giulia comes home soon, we have stuff to do! Otherwise I´m thinking about getting our for a run.
Talking about running, this is the view at the beach the other morning I was out running before work!

Just arrived home after a long night at the club. First I was going out with some people from work to Jamboree (hiphop/rnb) and after a while I went with some other to another club, Laboite (tecno I think but not really my style but totally ok). There for a while but I decided to go back to the first one by me self. So for the last two hours before they closed I just went loose on the dancefloor. And that was probibly the best time of the night.
I love dancing. I had no idea before I moved here but after I got to the clubs with my best friend from netherlands Laura I can´t get enough. And I´m not one of those girls who move some inches and try to look good. I fucking go for it! I have no idea how it actually looks but appearently good since I´ve been to many dance battles, just randomly when I´m out dancing with friends, and boys just can´t stop looking and try to get something of me. I don´t care about that though, I just want to dance!

Unfortunality I don´t have any pictures of me dancing (maybe a good thing?) but I needed some kind. So hiphop is my thing and I´m gonna keep going until I can´t anymore. That´s it for tonight, tomorrow is a new day and it´s going to happen again!
Keep on dancing and don´t be so shy. Have fun!!
My new home <3
I thought I schould show my new apartment a little. These pictures are from a site when we were searching for it so they are very basic. In a while I will probibly post before/after pictures since we are changing a lot of things.



Diningroom (will probibly build a bar here!!)

My room <3
But as I said, there´s been a lot of changes al ready and more will come. Gonna paint in pretty much all of the rooms, one room we´re thinking about making it like a relaxing/paint room. Like have a little corner with paintin and drawing stuff, lots of pillows and a shisha! And I want to do a bar in the diningroom, thinking about a aquarium also.. We have pretty many ideas so we´ll see what actually happens!
Anyway, gonna giva Kifa a shower now becaues appearently she´s got some kind of allergy against something. Hope it will get better. Off two days from work now so gonna stay relaxed 100% See ya!
Time for some changes
Well, I decided to make a little change here. Write in english! Why? Because it´s pretty much "my language" now. I talk in english, think in english, dream inte english.. Everything! So deal with it!
I haven´t been updating here for a while but lots is going on. I was in Sweden for onw week vising friends and family (pictures will come), work and partying of course and I moved in to a new apartment with Giulia, one of the italian(/brasilian) girls I was living with before.
So happy about the new place. 4 bedrooms because in january my best friend from Netherlands is coming to live with us for 5 month for an internship. But until then we´re gonna rent out one room. It´s maybe an (appearently hot) argentina guy who´s gonna take it hohoho ;)
And today we finally got internet! But been sleeping since I came home from work anyway. Was up all night drinking and think I had like one hour sleep before I had to get to the bar to open. Tuff, but I was the only onw with a key so just bite it together and do it!
Now I´m waiting for food, Giulia is cooking chicken with rosemarine that we bought to the balcony and white wine saus. Yum yum. And then we´ll see what´s coming up. Ciao ciao

Yes, this is how we move.. Borrowed a cart from the supermercat and ran around in Raval (our district). Yes people were looking and laughing, but we made that damn moving so much more fun!