The lights are on!
Now they have finally turned on all the christmas lights all over Barcelona, and it´s beautiful!
In every neighborhood they have different kinds and it´s stunning. Maybe that I go around tomorrow after work to take photos of all the different one. I specially want to see them in Gracia, the more fancy neighborhood. They always do that little extra.

Now I´m preparing myself for the day. In this too cold apartment.. Hate that they don´t have any central heating or anything here. I´m surviving with small heaters on the floor but I do not wanna see the bills after this month..
Well well, what to do? I have to get up anyway and I have to take that torturing shower. Going for the photoshoot in one hour. Was supposed to do it yesterday but I kind off overslept.. Ooops
And at 5 I start work. Not very fun in the bar anymore since we have very few cusomters now and cut down on the staff so we´re only two persons in the bar. But well, just a few months and then things will start to happen! See if I start looking for something else soon also.
So enjoy the day, it´s almost christmas! ~
Starting to be a home. My home.
For two days I have actually been pretty productive at home. Cleaning, moving some furnitures and today I fixed a little on the balcony in the livingroom. Got some new plants and cleaned and I must say that I´m really happy with the result!

And yes, we have placed the thing for drying clothes outside the balcony. It´s effective!
And now I´ve started to think so much about next year, when we are moving from this apartment. We have contract here for one year, after that I´m gonna find a really nice apartment. Big windows, terrace and probibly without furnitures so I can decide myself how I want it. Sure, I want to travel and maybe live somewhere else, but I still want to come back to Barcelona whenever I feel like it so I´m gonna have an apartment here and rent out the rooms or something like that. We´ll see what happens simply!
My future terrace, I´ve got big plans!
Lots of plants, of course. I can have a bar there, a textile like a "roof" covering maybe half of it. Nice grill, some couch and chairs... Ahhh dreaming....
Well, better get in to the shower. It´s a nice day outside and I want to do something. Goooo
With music in my ears
So here i´m sitting, inte the living room listening to music. It´s a sunny day, was actually out running before with the dog but had to quit half way because I noticed I´m still a little sick and could barely breath heh
So better to rest until I´m fully recovered and then do it for real!
So better to rest until I´m fully recovered and then do it for real!
After more than one hour in the shower I´m almost ready for tonights work. Hopefully it will be busy, I´m tired of just standing in the bar doing nothing when the time slowly tick away.
So, just a little update here. And it´s freaking cold!! Hate that there´s no heating in the apartments here.. And well, I don´t have any new pictures or anything so I´m just gonna show you some of the graffiti from the city. I love it here because it´s actually a serious thing. Shops and bars hire people to do graffiti matching their business outside and it really give you a better impression.

Right, better get a big hoodie covering my freezing arms and brush my teeths. Be good out there!
I can´t believe it
Something really really good is about to happen!
This photographer: Katerinaklio which takes amazing photos in fantasy and wedding, will probibly photograph me in the week! She´s coming to Barcelona and looking for people so I signed up and she actually seems intrested!
Here are some of her works:

So I really hope it will happen. So curious what kind of photos she will do with me. Wish me luck!
It´s happening!!
Just finished two big burgers, yum yum yum!
Made it with the argentia guy who´s living with us. So burgers with egg, bacon, salad, tomato, mayoneis.. Believe me when I say that I´m full phuuu
And also.. Tham tham tham.. I´m going to Sweden for christmas! Last year I stayed in Barcelona and missed when the family gathered around the tree and everything, but not this year. Soo happy :)

Pictures from last time I was visiting. Had such a great time meeting the family. Lots of laughs. Can´t wait! It´s only for 5 days but still.
Now I´m gonna get ready for going out. A friend is having his birthday and also, I havent been drinking or smoking for 10 days now! Feeling so proud of my self. So tonight I´m going craazy
Dog sitting
I have no idea if you actually can call it like that, but since you can say baby sitting, why not dog sitting?
That's what I'm doing now for two days. The problem is; My dog is on her period and the friends dog is male. But it's going surpriseling good! They play really good together and you have no idea how cute they are when we are out walking!!
That's what I'm doing now for two days. The problem is; My dog is on her period and the friends dog is male. But it's going surpriseling good! They play really good together and you have no idea how cute they are when we are out walking!!
Kifa is actually the one who's holding the leash of Sid (the other dog). And she's so proud of it and does it pretty good I must say. Gonna do some photos and maybe a video to show you tomorrow because you just have to see this!

So for now, here's some pictures of my and the doggies at the beach, taking a coffe. Actually it is at Santa Marta, where I spent pretty much all the winter last year. Still love that place, and know everybody there!
Time for a walk with the dogs, probibly going to the park or up in Montjuic. Wish me luck...
So sick of being sick..
This is terrible! I don´t understand how it could get this bad. I´m coughing until I can´t breath, probibly have fever, no energy or anything.. Well, started take antibiotica today so after one week I better be good again! Nothing to think too much about anyway, working double tomorrow, 11am-11pm, so just to put on a movie, slide in the softy pants and drink some tea and I´m ready for the next day!
Because of this stupid virus that makes me look pale and not very attractive, I´m giving you a photo of my and my mum from when I was in Sweden visiting! Better smile there ;)

So, movie time! Night night
I don´t know what happened..
Believe it or not, I lost my phone. Again..
The thing is, I actually never lost my phone, keys or anything like that before. And now, two times in one month I lost my phone, dammit. But, today I finally got to orange (where I got a contract for my spannish phone number) and got a new sim card. And luckily when I was in Sweden I got two phones, I gave one to Giulia first, so now I got it back and I´m back in bussines!
What else happened? We had a crazy party up in the castle, it was really great! Did a last minute costume and dressed up like a "sexy" military. Very nice actually and simple. So stayed there dancing most of the time and talking to people until 5 in the morning. Then I went back to the city since I was supposed to open the bar at 9 o´clock. So I thoght, I don´t have any phone or alarm to wake me up and if I would go home and sleep I would never wake up in time.. So I simple went to the bar and slept there! And I managed to wake up and work aaaall day. But felt really bad in the the end. Worked from 9 in the morning til 2 in the night because I helped a hen party with a cookingclass. After that I was exhausted and went home to sleep to once again get up early to open the bar. After that I got sick and still am. Not a surprise after too much work, partying and too little sleep..

So since I didn´t get any pictures from the party in the castle or anything I take this one which I like. Laura took it this january when it was freezing cold and I was standing in the sea. Brrrrr
Movie time! Gonna see Catch me if you can. Very rare that I watch movies or anything these days because my computer have no sound, no dvd player to the tv and Giulias charger so her computer have been broken (until today when she bought a new one) so now I can watch movies!! Even though I prefer doing stuff outside.
God I talk much now, been too long since. Have a good night anyway. Night night