Thinking about christmas in the sunshine
I can barely believe it but In less than one week it´s christmas!! And today I had breakfast in the morningsun on a terrasse and went for a run in only a top. Can´t complain but it dosen´t really fit, not what I´m used to haha
So, monday is the day. I´m going to Sweden to meet my family and some friends. Only for a couple of days but that is enough. Then coming back for new year when I also will be working, of course.. But I think it could be pretty fun anyway! Being drunk behind the bar with more drunk friends on the otherside. But who´s having my new years-kiss?
Well, how it looks now it´s probibly Giulia, my flat mate who´s getting it.. Sad, yes I know
So got the running and shower done. Work at 7. Better go for a coffe!

I killed the surprise
So it happened. I didn´t plan it. It just came out. But now the surprise is ruined...
Yeah, I told my mum that I´m coming home for christmas!
Ahh I´m really looking forward for this, even though it´s only for 5 days. I´m actually gonna be with my family this christmas. Hopefully it´s snow also, dont see that very often since I moved here haha
I still love building things in the snow, making snow angels and having snowballs fights! But hopefully I can save enough money to go to Andorra again this spring. Wanna rent a little house with some friends and go snowboarding. f you haven´t been there, go. It´s beautiful and the air is amazingly fresh to breath! Probibly some of you haven´t heard about it. Andorra is On of the smallest countries and is placed between France and Spain. And yes, you schould still go there.

Now I schould get dressed and out! Have to buy new shoes and stuff.. What I love here is that I can bring my dog when I´m shopping because almost every store aloud dogs inside. And Kifa is great because many times she just lay down somewhere and then I can walk around looking at the stuff until I´m finished and then she comes. Perfect!
Ice skating
This weekend have been just great! The friday I went with two others ice skating in Plaza Catalunya. They have set up a big tent with ice inside there and for 7 euros you can skate for a half hour. But we stayed longer, it´s not like they take your time or anything.
Yesterday I met a friend in the bar, preperad some sandwiches and took the train outside Barcelona and walked around in the mountains. It was beautiful and the weather amazing so it was a really good day. Then we went to a castle there where we know the guy who´s taking care of it and set up a fire inside, drank some coffe and I actually fell asleep.
And of course Kifa was with us all time! (Not ice skating). She loves the mountains, Just running around discorvering things without a leash or anything.
Ahh I really wish I had a camera these days but no, that one disappeared with the bag in the stupid robbery. Well, Try to imagine it!

One of the photos from the photoshoot with Katerinaklio which I tolf you about. Have only got this one so far but I like it actually. Couldn´t recognise that it was me at first haha
Now I´m going to a quick shower and then I´m out! My last day off and I wanna enjoy it. You schould to, just because it´s sunday it dosen´t mean that nothing happens or nothing schould happen. Go go go!
I just got robbed..
So, it finally happened. I´ve pretty much just been waiting for it and after 1 year and 2 months it actually happened. I got robbed.
Lost everything; my phone, keys to both the bar and home (and we just changed the stupid lock!!) and the wallet which had my driverslicense, both swedish and spanish creditcard, information about different stuff, NIE (my spanish personal number) and I´m sure there was more. But well well, what to do? It´s still just material stuff which I can replace. I had like 5 euros there because luckily, my work decided to give us our pay one day later so the stupid robber didn´t really earn anything. HA!
So this happened last night. And today I´ve already blocked the spanish creditcard and ordered a new one, got a new sim card and had a extra phone at home and also made new copies of the keys. I will survive!
But of course it´s still shit that it happens. I liked that bag..
What happened was.. I was kind of a liiiittle drunk, and very upset because I just had a fight with my flat mate so I decided to go home. I was in our bar doing a quiz, or at least tried. So I walked about two minutes, was in the middle of a small square in the middle of the city, when a guy with a hoodie all of sudden runs up from behind me and grabs my bag and just run away as fast as he can. I started to run after him but gave up after 5 minutes since I was wearing highheals and couldn´t run very fast you know..
So back to the bar and cry some more and a friend take me home and make me sleep. Aaaaahhhh what a night!
Well, I´m a positive person and don´t really give a shit anymore. It happens, specially in Barcelona, and sometimes I think it´s good to loose some stuff because it´s just stupid stuff anyway! Makes you think in a different way.
God, made a long writing now. Well, better Show some pictures from the other day when me and Giulia went drunk in the bar and people draw stuff in my face! And the christmas decoration I put up in work!

I think I was some mix of a cat, a santas helper and a clown...
So, movie time!! Just finished a good meal of meatballs with potatoe and saus I made. For you who dosent know it, I´m actually a great chef but pretty much stopped cooking when I broke up with my ex. Shit happens, remember that.
Christmas lightning
Barcelona is beautiful right now! I mean, it´s always beautiful but now they finally put on, like I´ve mentioned before, the christmas lights allt over the city!

It is everywhere!!
And sorry for bad images, photos with the phone dosen´t have very high quality..
And sorry for bad images, photos with the phone dosen´t have very high quality..
Ahh and this day! Working half day and being soo hangover. Drunk on wine is never a good idea, remember that. But it was fun of course hehe
And when I finally finish and going home to take a nap, of course I´m locked out because the door decided to not be opened at all, by anyone. We called a locksmith and he actually drilled it all open before he could open the door. So after three hours we could finally come in to our home!
Well, time for some toasted bread (because I pretty much only go grossery shopping 1-2 times/month so rarely have any food at home, or a lot but nothing that fits together to make a meal) and then.. Maybe going out for a drink, A girl from work is having her last week here before she goes home to New Zeeland so better take the time! Happy tuesday!!
Food, some more food and a lot more food
Just arrived home from work. Been pretty busy today actually so it was good, time goes faster and it´s not as boring as the days where there´s nothing to do and I´m just standing in the bar waiting..
Same yesterday, and I´ve had a lot of energy lately (probibly because there´s not as much party as in the summer so I actually take time to rest hehe). And still I go up at 8 everymorning. Even yesterday when I was working night, had the photoshoot you know.
It was really fun! But freaking cooooold. We were at the beach, sitting on rocks and stuff and I was only wearing this thin summerdress brrrr
But I survived! And in about two weeks I will see the results, hopefully something good :)
Well, I don´t have any new pictures or anything so.. Here´s a picture of me eating chocolate from my hands! I was making chocolate balls...

And I´m so full right now.. Been all day. Because there was some misunderstandings between me and the chef this morning so when I asked for a bikini (ham/cheese sandwich) he made first a plate of cheese/chorizo and when I tried to explain it was from the breakfast menu he heard a full english breakfast. And then I had to eat it all... When I just had had a massive breakfast myself gaaah
So let´s wait a couple of hours so I can eat some more later hihi
Now; I´m not gonna do a shit! Enjoy your sunday funday