I don´t know what happened..
Believe it or not, I lost my phone. Again..
The thing is, I actually never lost my phone, keys or anything like that before. And now, two times in one month I lost my phone, dammit. But, today I finally got to orange (where I got a contract for my spannish phone number) and got a new sim card. And luckily when I was in Sweden I got two phones, I gave one to Giulia first, so now I got it back and I´m back in bussines!
What else happened? We had a crazy party up in the castle, it was really great! Did a last minute costume and dressed up like a "sexy" military. Very nice actually and simple. So stayed there dancing most of the time and talking to people until 5 in the morning. Then I went back to the city since I was supposed to open the bar at 9 o´clock. So I thoght, I don´t have any phone or alarm to wake me up and if I would go home and sleep I would never wake up in time.. So I simple went to the bar and slept there! And I managed to wake up and work aaaall day. But felt really bad in the the end. Worked from 9 in the morning til 2 in the night because I helped a hen party with a cookingclass. After that I was exhausted and went home to sleep to once again get up early to open the bar. After that I got sick and still am. Not a surprise after too much work, partying and too little sleep..

So since I didn´t get any pictures from the party in the castle or anything I take this one which I like. Laura took it this january when it was freezing cold and I was standing in the sea. Brrrrr
Movie time! Gonna see Catch me if you can. Very rare that I watch movies or anything these days because my computer have no sound, no dvd player to the tv and Giulias charger so her computer have been broken (until today when she bought a new one) so now I can watch movies!! Even though I prefer doing stuff outside.
God I talk much now, been too long since. Have a good night anyway. Night night
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